

Disinfestation and rodent control service in Milan and its province

Ital Cleaning has been working to free your homes, businesses, offices and shops from unwanted guests: bed bugs, mice, woodworms, ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, pigeons, fleas, processionaries, wasps, flies, moths and more.
These small inconveniences are a real threat to your health and that of your family guests, because they can spread diseases and allergies, as well as damage your image.
To promptly resolve the problem and prevent their rapid proliferation,Ital Cleaning uses only the most advanced technologies in the sector, capable of disinfesting your spaces depth, with ecological and innovative products. Furthermore, Ital Cleaning thinks about your well-being at 360°, to give you a healthy and pleasant environment in which to live, work and have fun, without using harmful substances.

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Red control service (mice): prevent diseases

A rat infestation is very dangerous, because these rodents are capable of spread germs that are highly pathogenic to humans and other animals.

To spot a mouse invasion, check the locations from drier climate, such as attics and rooms with good thermal insulation, and the sudden presence of electrical cables gnawed, traces of food and excrement.

To solve this problem, Ital Cleaning knows how to help you. Thanks to the treatment of fast and effective disinfestation and rodent control, solves the problem of rat nests and sanitizes the premises from parasites.

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Service bed bug disinfestation: sleep more soundly don't worry

Present in many homes, bed bugs are attracted to heat, from anhydride carbonic and cannot tolerate light. For this reason,bedrooms are the ideal place for the their colonies. To recognize bed bug infestation, check for the presence Of blood stains on the mattresses, bites on the body and other signs. Above all, proceed quickly to disinfestation, as the female bedbug can lay over 400 eggs per day day, which hatch after 3 weeks. Faced with an invasion of bed bugs, it is there is a strict protocol to get rid of them, throughthe spraying of dry steam or heat, to attack eggs, nymphs and adult bedbugs.

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Cockroach disinfestation: sanitize your environment

Coroaches are insects that hide in door frames, appliances, in sockets and in rubbish.The places unhealthy that frequent them make them a danger to human health, because they can spread diseases. These unwanted guests are looking for warm, dark places to nest, such as pipes and ducts, which favor their free movement and infestation of the entire building. For solve this problem,Ital Cleaning is equipped with liquid and gel-based treatments, ecological and without any danger for humans, capable of eliminating all stages of life of the cockroach.

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Ant disinfestation: stop the colonies|| |325

Le formiche sono note per essere gli insetti capaci di creare rapidamente numerose colonie, il che le rende terribili ospiti da avere in casa, in ufficio e in qualsiasi altro luogo. Dopo aver analizzato le caratteristiche e le abitudini di questi insetti, spesso è possibile trovarli nelle zone in cui è presente cibo o umidità, come bagni, cucine e dispense. To protect the your spaces, the use of ecological, innovative and targeted techniques is expected.

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Disinfestazione tarli: proteggete il vostro legno

Woodworms are particularly greedy wood larvae, which creep into your windows, in your furniture and dig small tunnels inside, capable of compromising definitively the stability and longevity of your furniture. To solve this situation,the wood is treated through a microwave aerothermal process, capable of also kill woodworms in depth and in any life stage.

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Allontanamento piccioni: per facciate pulite

Whether it is house, office or shop facades, pigeons damage your image, leaving dirt and putting you in danger, because they spread viral, bacterial, fungal and immunological for humans and other animals. To get rid of the presence of these birds,Ital Cleaning is equipped with various treatments capable of keeping them away, respecting the birds: anti-bird nets, bird ware, metal and chemical deterrents.

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Flea disinfestation: for you and your pets

The flea is a wingless biting insect that targets pets, because yes feeds on their blood. Above all, it reproduces very quickly, giving birth to over 200 eggs which hatch after 1 or 10 days.The proposed treatment consists of spraying professional insecticides on floors and fabrics

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Mosquito disinfestation: say goodbye to bites

In the classification of the most annoying insects we find mosquitoes. To avoid this nightmare during the summer, you have probably tried all possible methods to get rid of it, from mosquito traps to the latest high-tech inventions, passing through a multitude of chemicals. In reality, the real solution is to carry out a disinfestation targeted withthe intervention of specific anti-larvae and adulticidal treatments.

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Ital Cleaning Impresa di Pulizie Milano. Servizi di Pulizia per appartamenti e uffici a Milano e provincia

The Ital Cleaning method

In disinfestations we apply our method,developed in over 27 years of experience, which has allowed us to become leaders for the city of Milan and its province. Let's go always from your request, from what you need, from your need. The next step is exchange of information necessary to better approach the subsequent phases and the definition of the ideal date and time for the inspection. The inspection has the function of define working hours necessary for cleaning, products and techniques use to then transform all this into a quote. Upon acceptance of the estimate,we will provide the service with quality, transparency, flexibility, punctuality and sustainability which have made Ital Cleaning one of the most important cleaning companies in Milan and province. Our work doesn't end here: after-service assistance and the evaluation of yours satisfaction are an integral part of our offer for us.

The result of all this is evident in the reviews that have made we are the leading cleaning company in customer satisfaction in Milan and its province

Read the reviews of those who put us there to the test

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